In Shock

For the past couple of days, there is something that has been bothering me, that I need to get off my chest, and who else other than you can I tell? Its a huge secret and I am not allowed to tell anyone, not even my husband, the person themselves don’t even know that I know.

Yesterday, I found out that a dear Muslim friend of mine back home in the United States, has found out that she is 2 months pregnant from her boyfriend. I was absolutely blown away when I was told, and I didn’t know what to say. What made it worse, was that wasn’t it, she had gotten an abortion and nobody but her, her boyfriend, and her cousin know about this…oh and me too but shh. It really has been bothering me and I am so sad for her, but at the same time mad. Like really? Are you that stupid?? OK you lost your virginity and you are hiding that from your dad, you have sex regularly with this guy, and also your hiding that from your dad too, but you get knocked up, and then KILL THE BABY! REALLY??

You sit here and preach about how against abortion you are and your going to keep this baby no matter what the consequences, and then when this low life you call your boyfriend tells you to go abort it, and you do so the next day?? Ugh, I mean I put myself in her shoes and try to figure out what I would do if I was in that situation, but I am sorry, for her, its different, I have never seen a girl so easy, and so melted in the hands of a teenage boy that doesn’t care about her and cheats on her regularly. Oh did I mention this girl is only 17 years old? Well yeah, she is still a child and so is she, I don’t even know what she is doing going around having sex with this guy anyways. She was just here last summer and we hung out, I talked to her about changing and stopping all the sin she is doing, and she left here seemed persuaded, but I guess it was all an act. In one ear, out the other. 

I give up on people like that, I am not saying I am not going to be her friend or judge her because of her actions. But I just can’t take the weight of this baby’s life that she took off my chest. Its too much… RIP Angel, your mother apparently didn’t know any better….

